Summer. Everyone seems to be happy with summer. That if the weather is perfect and the days are long; that if it is the best time to have a refreshing cocktail on a virgin beach … It may even be the excuse to do nothing but sleep and see your friends day in and day out.

Yes, summer like it. However, we know that the summer idyll also has its bad things. If not, ask the poor person who has to go work; the one who travels in search of peace accompanied by a large family or one that is burned by heat with the broken air …

But there is no reason to fear! We introduce you 10 books to get out of step in these situations so characteristic of the summer season:

one. The daughters of the captain, of María Dueñas

You are lying in a hammock and there is no way to protect you from the sun that dazzles you. Well, hey, it will seem a bit rudimentary solution, but a good book can protect you from the sun.

And if that book is The daughters of the Captain, of María Dueñas, besides parasol will keep you in suspense until nightfall. This novel tells the story of three Spanish sisters who cross the pond to find their way in an epic and uncertain adventure. A tribute to all women who resist when the winds blow against.

two. The world in Moto with Charly Sinewan, by Carlos García Portal

This summer you have to work. You are squeezed and sweating in the subway with tourists on the right and left and you would give it all to get out of there.

Because with The world in Moto with Charly Sinewan, by Carlos García Portal, You are going to go around the world without leaving the car and, by the way, you will learn how to organize a motorcycle trip (including maps and motorcycle routes) for when those desired vacations arrive.

3. The trace of evil, by Manuel Ríos San Martín

You are on the plane and there is turbulence. A horrible trip awaits you and you die of fear. Well, fight against fear with more fear!

The trace of evil, by Manuel Ríos San Martín, is a thriller where a young man meets the body of a girl buried with ritual symbolism and … So far we can read. Of course, you will forget the turbulence and everything else; guaranteed.

4. Serie Again, by Mona Kasten

They have closed the pools and your teenage son wanders around the house without knowing what to do. Well, give it to him Serie Again, by Mona Kasten. It will be to start reading this juvenile novel, and will be hooked on a story full of adolescent messes and love that will break all the rules.

Maybe he likes it so much that he even takes it when they reopen the pool!

5. Sara and the goleadoras, by Laura Gallego and Laia López

Your child has already built the Chinese wall in the sand on the beach and he does not know what to do anymore. Leave him engrossed with Sara and the scorers, Laura Gallego and Laia Lopez.

This children's book talks about how a girl crazy about football and who is not allowed to play for being a girl creates her own team to try to show that they are capable of playing better than them. Will they get it?

6 How to make good things happen to you, by Marián Rojas

You have walked all day, seen a thousand things and are you can not even with your soul. Because you can not, you can not even hold a book. Are you sure? We propose you How to make good things happen to you, of Marián Rojas.

With the body relaxed and rested, it is time to activate your mind so that you learn to manage your emotions and have four tips for when you return to your routine. A personal growth book that will teach you to understand your brain and live a better life.

7 Eat real food, by Carlos Ríos

The holidays are over and you have let go a little more than you should. You know that soon you will return to the routine and it will be good to behave.

With Eat real food, by Carlos Ríos, you can make a list of everything you need to transform your food leaving the ultra-processed side. Practical advice, tricks and recipes so that the return is easier for you and your stomach.

8. A darker magic, from V.E. Schwab

Summer storm. There is no one who leaves the house. It's time to stay in bed listening to the sound of the rain and getting into the world of A darker magic nº1, of GO. Schwab.

Magic, parallel universes, contraband and many dangers; The recipe to disconnect completely!

9 Me, Julia, of Santiago Posteguillo

You've been sweating in the shade all day and the thing is burning. Well, since you are in high temperatures, we recommend Me, Julia, of Santiago Posteguillo, the Planeta de Novela Prize 2018.

A fire that devastates Rome will be an opportunity for five men to try to control the Roman Empire of 192 AD. Who will forge a dynasty and what will happen to Julia, emperor's wife?

10 Life, the great story, by Juan Luis Arsuaga

You are disconnecting everything and everyone and you wonder what you do here. Yes, here on Earth. Well, maybe Life, the great story, by Juan Luis Arsuaga, It helps you understand how life on earth began and how it evolved.

Surely this journey through our history will make your existential doubts know little compared to the reason of human existence.

Now yes, suitcase, sleeves and books and enjoy or beat the summer as you can. And if you have still been wanting more, Here you have all our literary recommendations so that this is the summer that YOU want! 😉

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