This past Sunday, agents of the National Police and the Civil Guard have arrested 117 people and raised 10,238 sanction proposals for infractions of the confinement rules adopted to stop the COVID-19 pandemic.
The following is a transcript of the intervention of the police spokesmen at the press conference after the meeting of the Scientific-Technical Committee COVID-19A on Monday:
Deputy Director General for Human Resources and Training of the National Police, Chief Commissioner Pilar Allué
"This Monday, work activity has restarted in many companies and services with the consequent increase in the use of collective public transport by people heading to their jobs. With the main purpose of avoiding crowds, the The National Police has established specific devices in all those train stations and bus terminals, essentially those close to intercity routes.
The units of Citizen Security that the National Police will deploy this Monday and Tuesday in large cities will ensure the adequate flow of passengers both on the platforms and in the wagons and buses, in order to comply with public health measures in relation to the necessary distance of interpersonal security. In addition, the controls of people will be strengthened so that the limitation of circulation continues to be met in the cases indicated in the Royal Decree.
And in the development of these functions, the collaboration of the private security sector is vital, since they have been carrying out exceptional work since the beginning of the health crisis in which we find ourselves. This Monday, his intervention has been vital, as well as that of the Civil Protection, Red Cross, ADIF or Renfe personnel, among other institutions.
The National Police has intensified communication channels with private security companies, especially through the Red Azul program, in order to reinforce services and, if necessary, quickly implement the procedures and measures for collaboration needed.
Be clear that the Alarm State remains fully in force and the return to work does not mean that there is a relaxation of measures.
1. Detainees and acts
Fortunately, in the last 24 hours, the number of detainees has decreased by 4.8 percent compared to the previous day, having stopped at 89, which means that since the Royal Decree came into force, 1,962 have been detained unsupportive people.
On the other hand, the sanctions for violating the regulations of the Alarm State amounted to 4,745, which represents a total of 134,926 sanction proposals since the beginning of the Alarm State.
2. Borders
As for the control of land borders with France and Portugal, in the last 24 hours 84 people have been denied entry into our country and 3,000 vehicles and 3,410 people have been controlled. No arrest has been made.
3. Cockfight in Malaga
Citizen collaboration, the commitment of many people in the fight against this pandemic, is being essential to detect uninteresting and irresponsible behavior. Their calls to 091 alerting of these prohibited activities allow us to identify people who are in non-compliance in a state of alarm and make ending this situation a little more difficult.
An example is the event that occurred last Saturday in Malaga, when our 091 center received several calls from neighbors indicating an important gathering of people in one area of the city. Several citizen security units quickly moved around and detected that clandestine cockfights were taking place inside a premises.
The national police officers surprised 32 people gathered in a space of about 50 square meters, all of them around an area where there were several animals. After the identification of those present, they were proposed for sanction for non-compliance with the Royal Decree that establishes the Alarm State. In addition, and since they were illegal bets for cockfights, all the money they carried was seized, which exceeded 7,000 euros.
4. False doctors
In relation to the continuous monitoring and surveillance that the National Police carries out on social networks and information systems, I must prevent them from a chain of misleading messages detected by our cybercrime units. Through various instant messaging applications, messages are circulating indicating that the Government of Spain is hiring doctors from foreign countries, even though they do not have the approval of the title required to practice medicine and, in addition, to all those who accept the offer. they will be granted legal residence in our country.
Of course, this information is flatly false, and their only intention is to commit a scam, since they are requesting the payment of fees to, supposedly, carry out the necessary immigration procedures.
In principle, these messages are mainly distributed in Latin American Spanish-speaking countries, although it is necessary to alert the Spanish population in case they have family or friends who are seen in the circumstance of receiving this proposal.
Finally, remember that if collective decisions are important, individual decisions may be much more important at the moment. Collaborate. "
Chief of Staff of the Civil Guard, General José Manuel
"This Monday we face the fifth week of the state of alarm and fight against COVID-19. Many people return to work after the recoverable paid leave, and on their return they will find that the Civil Guard, always looking guaranteeing the safety of citizens, it is collaborating, within its territorial scope of responsibility, in the distribution of protection elements to people who have to travel to their jobs on public transport, in which it is difficult to maintain distances from security.
Maintaining the achievements and progress made during these four weeks of effort and sacrifice is essential to return to normalcy. Therefore, it is essential that we all continue to strictly comply with the measures of confinement, social distancing, prevention and protection, whether at home, at work, or on the move, which have been recommended by the authorities. competent.
To support this civic effort, this Sunday 21,946 civil guards of all specialties of the body returned to serve throughout the length and breadth of Spain. Of these, almost 15,000 men and women (7,369 patrols) did so by patrolling the cities, towns, and highways of our country.
As a result of their work, 77,704 people were identified and a total of 2,574 vehicles were intercepted, which led to the processing of 5,493 complaints, 7.07 percent of the total of the controlled people, and the arrest of 28 people.
Despite these figures, I would like to highlight that the activity carried out by the Civil Guard during the period of the alarm period has allowed us to verify that, as I have told you on previous occasions, the vast majority of citizens have been complying with exemplary manner with restrictions.
In fact, 93.7 percent of the citizens identified during all this time by the Civil Guard had some justified reason to be on public roads, which shows us the degree of maturity, responsibility and solidarity of Spanish society.
However, we continue to work to raise awareness of this percentage of people with little solidarity, who jeopardize the health and work that we are all doing. This is the case of:
- four people surprised by a Civil Guard drone while meeting in the Plaza de Adiós (Navarra), something they had been doing regularly
- that of two other people who have been arrested for occupying several empty houses in Sabiñánigo (Huesca), taking advantage of the impossibility of movement of their owners by the State of Alarm.
During the days of Easter, a very important part of the work carried out by the civil guards has focused, especially, on controlling the restrictive measures of road mobility. Thus, the territorial units and the Traffic Group of the Civil Guard, from last Wednesday, April 8 and until this Sunday:
- they have carried out 33,615 controls, at an average of 4.67 per minute, with a special reinforcement at night
- they have identified 410,813 people, practically one per second, 57.06 per minute;
- have controlled 376,872 vehicles, 52.34 per minute,
- and a total of 5,685 complaints have been formulated, being the day with the highest incidence on Wednesday (1,444) and the one with the lowest this Sunday (797).
Nor have we neglected the aid services to the most vulnerable people. Once again I want to refer to gender violence and therefore I reiterate that any person who is a victim, or a family member, friend, who may have knowledge that a person may be suffering ill-treatment should report it.
And I remember that the SOS button has been created in the Alertcops mobile application that connects directly with the competent police force. We cannot let our guard down. For this reason, the Civil Guard is carrying out an average of a thousand actions per day, both by telephone checks and by counter-surveillance of the victims with protection orders.
Also, during these five days of Easter, the civil guards have performed a total of 3,144 humanitarian services, rescues and aid of all kinds, such as those carried out by:
- the Civil Guards of the Albacete Command, who have collaborated in the transport of material necessary to install an expansion of the General Hospital of Albacete in the premises of the Faculty of Medicine,
- by the Traffic Civil Guard in Madrid, which has accompanied a medicalized bus with COVID-19 patients from the Infanta Elena de Valdemoro University Hospital to the Puerta Sur Hospital in Móstoles.
In closing, I can only tell you that there are no shortcuts in this fight, but the effort we are making will undoubtedly be worth it. One day less