15,800 marijuana plants seized in a macroperation against drug trafficking in Almería

There are 20 people arrested for crimes against public health and fraud of electric fluid

They have found 120 illegal hooks and a fraudulent network of 160 meters buried in cement

The Civil Guard has also seized 60 kilos of buds, 59,000 euros in cash, six weapons and three vehicles

The Civil Guard has arrested 20 people in Almeria after dismantling an important marijuana cultivation point where they have found 15,800 plants. The Pozo Green operation has been carried out in El Pozo of the Aunt Manolica of El Ejido (Almería) and has had the collaboration of Endesa technicians. In total, 120 illegal hooks to the electric fluid have been found and a 160-meter fraudulent network that was hidden with cement and silicone-sealed caskets has been dismantled.

In the 30 records carried out – in 20 homes and 10 greenhouses -, the Civil Guard has also found 60 kilos of marijuana buds, three shotguns, three guns with ammunition, 59,000 euros in cash and three vehicles.

Most of the marijuana plants were covered with plastics on a false second floor of the registered homes, which could only be accessed with a ladder.

The large number of hooks to the network and the high number of simultaneous inspections meant that the device, in which 150 civil guards and 30 Endesa technicians participated, was extended for 12 hours.

The intervened effects, together with the detainees, have been made available to the Court acting as guard of those of El Ejido (Almería).

For more information you can go to the Peripheral Office of Communication of the Civil Guard of Almeria, at 950621956 or 680411337


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