This summer the fourth installment arrives on the big screen Toy Story, the animation franchise produced by Disney and Pixar that tells the adventures and misadventures of the most fun and adorable toys in the world. In this new film, Woody, Buzz and the whole gang return together with new toys to embark on a road trip that will make Woody discover, finally, his true vocation.
It has been nine years since the premiere of Toy Story 3, and from PlanetadeLibros we are very excited to see how one of the most emblematic sagas in the history of cinema ends. Therefore, we have prepared a list with four reasons why you can not miss its premiere:
To continue the gang's adventures right where he stayed toy Story 3.
After an incredible ending that thrilled young and old alike, the toys stay with Bonnie, the girl Andy gave them to before leaving for college. What new adventures await you at your side? And, who is Forky? Where did it come from? Why is Bonnie's favorite toy?
Because you can not miss the final end of the saga of your favorite animated toys.
Pixar has confirmed that Toy Story 4 It will be the last film of the franchise. And not only that: it will also be the last sequel to the studio in a good season: according to Mark Nielsen, one of the producers of the film, after Toy Story 4 all the films will be original.
Because, according to the critic, Toy Story 4 It is one of the best movies of the year.
And it does not surprise us: the excellent quality with which Pixar produces each one of its productions is a hallmark of unquestionable quality. The truth is that it is not easy: each chapter of the saga has been surpassing the previous one, which is not easy in sequels.
Toy Story 4 It has raised many expectations, but according to the opinions of the lucky ones who have already seen it, it has nothing to envy to previous deliveries.
Because we will never get tired of enjoying the incredible stories that this animation studio has given us since 1986.
One of the greatness of all Pixar films is that they always entertain the little ones and, at the same time, make the older ones fall in love and thrill. We are completely sure that Toy Story 4 It will not be an exception.
If you've been wanting more, go running to the movies, but first, we recommend you not to miss the movie book collection that we just published: among them you'll find a book with augmented reality and extra contents! Do not miss it!