Students who receive educational support as a result of presenting a specific need rose in the 2017-2018 school year to 623,268. A figure that represents 7.8% of students and is slightly higher than the previous year (7.1%).

This is revealed by the statistics of the Students with Specific Need for Educational Support prepared by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training together with the autonomous communities.

The 7.8% of non-university students received educational attention different from the ordinary due to special educational needs, specific learning difficulties, their high intellectual abilities, to have been incorporated late into the Spanish educational system or to personal or educational conditions. school history. This percentage rises to 10.3% in Primary Education and 9.5% in ESO, and increases in Basic Vocational Training and other training programs, with 12.8% and 24%, respectively.

Among the 623,268 students with educational support, 222,540 (35.7%) received it for special educational needs associated with disability or serious disorder, 33,482 (5.4%) for high intellectual abilities, 22,947 (3.7%) for late integration in the education system and 344,272 (55.2%) for other reasons, among them, learning disorders, language and communication disorders, and socio-educational disadvantage.

Boys represent 63.7% of these students, while girls represent the remaining 36.3%. With regard to the autonomous communities, the Autonomous Community of Navarra (19.7%), Murcia (14.6%) and Illes Balears (14.4%) have the highest figures of students receiving this type of educational support, while that at the other extreme are the Community of Madrid (4.1%) and Melilla (4.6%).

Regarding the funding of the centers, the pupils with specific needs that receive educational support represent 8.7% in public schools and 7.2% in concerted education, with only 1.5% in private education not agreed.

Special educational needs

Students with special educational needs associated with a disability or a serious disorder amounted to 222,540; of them, 83.7% are integrated into ordinary classes and 16.3% are in specific units or centers.

The intellectual disability, with 65,998 students (29.6%), is the most numerous, followed by serious behavioral / personality disorders, with 51,347 (23.1%), and pervasive developmental disorders, with 41,536 (18 , 7%). The students with motor disabilities that require special educational support amount to 13,866 (6.2%), 8,869 (4.0%) have a hearing disability and 3,598 (1.6%) have a visual disability. In addition, there are 13,294 students with multiple disabilities (6.0%).

In relative terms, taking into account the total number of students enrolled in the different teachings, 2.8% of the students receive support for presenting this type of needs.

If we only consider those integrated in ordinary education, they would represent 2.3%, a figure that rises to 3% in Primary Education and in ESO. However, the most significant weight is found in Basic Vocational Training with 6.2%, being very low in Baccalaureate (0.6%) and Vocational Training Cycles of Higher Degree (0.5%).

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