Specifically, CEOE met with Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative of Spain to the EU, Juan Arístegui Laborde; with the General Director of BusinessEurope, Markus Beyrer; and with the Secretary General of the European Commission, Martin Selmayr, to whom the business priorities of CEOE were transferred to a crucial moment like the current one, in which the main political lines that will guide the European legislative activity of the next five are defined years.

In particular, the results of the recent European elections at the end of May were discussed, as well as the political and business perspectives and objectives for the new European institutional cycle that will begin at the beginning of July with the constituent session of the European Parliament.

José Alberto González Ruiz, in line with the CEOE priorities document "More and Better Europe: our common enterprise", highlighted that the new European Commission contemplates, among its top priorities, the development of a coherent industrial and investment strategy, with a view to increasing internal and external competitiveness; and, on the other, ensure the consolidation and homogeneous implementation of what has already been done.

The vice president of CEOE and president of its Fiscal Commission, Pilar González de Frutos, participated along with the general secretary of CEOE; the president of the European Union Commission, Jesús Ortiz; the president of the Digital Society Commission, Julio Linares; the president of the Commission of Economy and Financial Policy, Íñigo Fernández de Mesa; as well as the Director of the Department of Regulatory and European Affairs, Bernardo Aguilera, accompanied by the Permanent Delegate and Head of European Affairs, Patricia Cirez.

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