In his speech, the minister highlighted the reorientation that is taking place from the Ministry to housing policies, aligned with the most modern vision that cities and metropolitan areas should play and that is exposed in the Spanish Urban Agenda, which is the strategic document that reflects this vision. This has led to the change of name of the Ministry itself and is in accordance with the criteria of the 2030 Agenda, the new Urban Agenda of the United Nations and for the European Union, he added.
Ábalos has insisted that the Government has among its priorities to make Urban Policy and Housing Policy, with a more integrative vision of urban development, and has assessed in a very positive way the different measures implemented in the last year and a half in terms of housing, including the Royal Decree-Law on Urgent Measures for rent, recently endorsed by the Constitutional Court.
This Royal Decree addresses the problems from an integral vision and is focused on articulating fiscal and regulatory measures to protect the lessee through the increase in contract terms, thereby limiting price revisions, and providing greater security. legal to the lessor, among other measures.
In addition, Ábalos recalled that from the Ministry "work continues on actions that have a more medium-term approach, such as the 20,000 Plan, the mobilization of public land and the acceleration of urban planning licenses." He has also detailed "that this Government has signed 120 agreements for the construction of 3,260 affordable rental homes and 55 million euros have been contributed, which have served, together with contributions from Autonomous Communities, City Councils and private developers, to mobilize an investment total of 330 million euros. "
Subsequently, the minister has informed that work is being done with Sepes so that "some 5,000 homes are built for social rent." At the same time, he has detailed other programs such as the Rehabilitation and Reform Plan that he wants to detach from the State Housing Plans to give him an integral vision with actions in private homes. This activity "should be promoted because it is the way to achieve environmental, social and technological improvements in our urban network and where a lot of employment can be generated," he concluded.
Performances in Valencia
Ábalos did not want to forget to mention the two actions that are being carried out in Valencia, such as those of the Artillery Park and the Engineers Barracks, which will total almost 1,000 public homes for affordable rent. In fact, the minister has informed that in the performance of the "Engineers Barracks", it is estimated to tender the urbanization works within the first quarter of this year, while progress is being made in the drafting of the specifications for the transfer of surface rights .