The Spain Journal

Abascal: 'The PSOE in Navarra is whitewashing the political project of ETA'

The VOX leader has considered that the PSOE agreements with Bildu in Navarra are "a betrayal" to all Spaniards.

Last Friday, the Government spokesperson, Isabel Celaá, justified in the press conference after the Council of Ministers the agreement reached by the Navarrese Socialists with the nationalists of Geroa Bai that allowed the entry of EH Bildu into the Bureau of the regional chamber.

"All seats are legal and all parties are legal. Bildu is legal and VOX is legal, otherwise they would not have been able to run for the elections, "Celaá sentenced in the umpteenth socialist attack against the party chaired by Santiago Abascal.

Precisely Abascal has responded through social networks to these insults. The VOX leader has considered that the PSOE agreements in Bildu in Navarra are "a betrayal" to all Spaniards.

«The performance of the PSOE in Navarra, whitening the political project of ETA, confirms the most abject treason. We demand the full content of the minutes. And, as we said, we will act in the courts against those who seek to liquidate Spain by agreeing with terrorists and coup leaders, "Abascal said.

The leader of VOX has asked the Government that responds to the VOX requirement about the minutes of negotiation with ETA: "In exchange for a substitute for peace ETA agreed with the destruction of national unity and constitutional order."

"We demand the documents held by the Government to know the full truth about the minutes of negotiations with ETA," Abascal maintained.

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