La portavoz de Migraciones del Grupo Popular y senadora por Melilla, Sofía Acedo

The GPP Migration spokesperson demands a specific policy for unaccompanied foreign minors

The spokesperson for Migrations of the Popular Group and Senator for Melilla, Sofía Acedo, has proposed a European Pact on migration, based on legal, orderly migration and linked to the labor market andhas demanded that the government "be clear in the message it sends to the mafiasto avoid irregular immigration"

During the appearance of the Minister of Social Security, Inclusion and Migration, José Luis Escrivá, in the Senate, the PP spokesperson has statedthat "Spain must lead in Europe a Pact for migration as it is the southern border of the U.E. and one of the receiving countries of irregular immigration through the western Mediterranean route, while reproaching the minister"not giving concrete answers to the migration problem"

Likewise, Sofía Acedo has sued Minister Escrivá "A politicconcrete and realistic"For unaccompanied foreign minors because, he said below,"I am afraid that as no concrete measures are adopted and a real diagnosis of the situation is defined, we will pass from the phenomenon to the problem that is already counted by thousands throughout Spain, especially in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, but also in the rest of CC .AA..


In this sense, Acedo has shown his party's concern for unaccompanied foreign minors and has pointed out that "instruments withthose that have been working have been insufficient and ineffective.

"The Law on the legal protection of minors, which incorporates these minors in the Spanish protection system, does not meet their expectations"Has asserted."How does your ministry intend to deal with such a circumstance ?, he asked the minister, while reminding that the Agreement between the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Morocco on cooperation in the field of illegal prevention of unaccompanied minors, protection and his arranged return, from the year 2007, allows to comply with the protection of minors ”.

The PP senator for Melilla recalled that more than 90% of minors in our country are of Moroccan origin and has insisted on demanding a legal and orderly policy also for minors. "Nor make the mistake of covering your eyes before an increasingly unsustainable reality"He said to theminister, and has denounced that, in his city, Melilla, with 12 km2, "we have crowded centers with almost a thousand minors"


"We have to be clear in the message we send to the mafias, workin the regular migration of cooperation with third countries, linked to our labor market and that allows the return to their origin, providing the valueadded experience and work ", has sued the minister.

As explained by the popular senator for Melilla, "the Government cannotbase their immigration policy on speeches and photos, because these messages create insecurity in the immigrant himself and rejection in the receiving country, which iscan translate into an important and worrying bankruptcy of coexistence ", hasasserted with roundness.


In relation to the Government's proposal to modify the Immigration Law,Acedo asked "for when and on what terms", because "ourThe obligation is to give greater legal security to those who face the bloodiest irregular immigration, that of jumping to the fence, with attacks on our State Security Forces and Bodies, as well as those who risk their lives at sea to save that of immigrants, who managed by mafias and against payment, embark on a dangerous journey", he has remembered.

"What does your ministry intend to do? How is it going to help the municipalities in receiving these people? Is your approach to open centers and more detention centers and turn our cities into centers

permanent irregular immigration ?, asked the minister at another time of his speech.

In this sense, the PP Migration spokesperson has claimed Escrivá"Solidarity", because "you cannot be enabling municipal pavilions in Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands to accommodate irregular immigration and then disregard people, leading them to absolute destitution and, in the worst case, to human trafficking networks"

During his intervention in the Commission, Acedo has also been interested in the integration fund announced by the Ministry for the municipalities and has asked Escrivá to set out the distribution criteria: "What will be thedistribution criteria? Will they respond to objective and technical and not political criteria, as sometimes do we suffer with this government? "he asked

Thus, although the migratory competence is exclusive to the State, "today it is largely assumed by local entities, which are absolutely out of their capacity"Stressed the senator popular and has demanded Minister Escrivá to explain the distribution criteria of said fund.

Finally, the popular senator has also raised a European SystemCommon Asylum "based on solidarity and co-responsibility", as well as "return and support policies aimed at providing coverage to the more than 2 and a half million Spaniards living outside our country".

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