The Minister of Labor, Migration and Social Security acting, Magdalena Valerio, stressed the need to create employment opportunities in the autonomous city through the promotion of training and individualized attention to the unemployed.

The Acting Minister of Labor, Migration and Social Security, Magdalena Valerio, has presented in Ceuta, together with the delegate of the Government of the Autonomous City, Salvadora Mateos, and the general director of the Public Employment Service, Gerardo Gutiérrez, the Integral Plan of Employment 2019-2020 that aims to improve the employability and job placement of people in unemployment in this Autonomous City.

This Comprehensive Employment Plan, multi-year, will have a total of 44,438,000 euros, of which 22,219,000 correspond to the investment in 2019 and an analogous amount for 2020 (budget forecast).

The implementation of this Comprehensive Plan of Employment, which will develop the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security within the framework of its powers, through the Public State Employment Service (SEPE), aims to respond to the labor and social situation of this Autonomous City. "Unemployment in Ceuta needs individual attention, with personalized training itineraries that we will develop in collaboration with companies," the minister said in statements to the media.

Ceuta currently has an unemployment rate of 22.31%, above the average for Spain (14.7%), with a marked increase in female unemployment, 27.82% compared to 16.74% of the national average . Youth unemployment among children under 25 reaches 46.97% in this autonomous city, higher than the national average (34.97%). A situation that requires a diagnosis of job opportunities that allow Ceuta to develop "its full potential", in the words of the acting minister.

This plan will be articulated with measures such as the hiring of counselors (six for the city of Ceuta), the reordering of grants and the creation of a promotion and development unit. At this point, the minister stressed that the selection processes have already been launched.

The activities to be carried out will be carried out within the framework of the Common Service Portfolio of the National Employment System and in accordance with the provisions of the Young Employment Shock Plan and the REINCORPORA-T Plan, both for the 2019-2020 period.

The Plan has two pillars: 1st. Study and diagnosis of the labor market and the social reality of the Autonomous City, which is being carried out by the Observatory of Occupations, with the support of the Government Delegation, the Provincial Directorate of SEPE and the Autonomous City itself. 2nd. Initial orientation for all the people who will participate in the Plan, complemented with personalized accompaniment throughout the duration of the same.

Individual diagnoses

On this basis, those activities that best adapt to individualized diagnoses will be programmed, such as: information, guidance and counseling, transversal training in new technologies, limogistic competences, coaching techniques, emotional intelligence and motivation techniques for job search ( both on their own account and that of others).

A Joint Commission will be responsible for monitoring, monitoring and controlling the execution of the Plan. This Commission will be integrated by representatives of the SEPE in Ceuta, the Delegation of the Government of Ceuta, the Autonomous City, as well as the most representative trade union and business organizations in the area of ​​the autonomous city.

The acting minister took advantage of her stay in Melilla to visit the offices of the Public Employment Service, where she thanked the workers of the SEPE and the Provincial Directorate for their daily work.

Valerio has also referred in statements to the media to his visit to the Center for Temporary Stay of Immigrants (CETI), facilities that he has set as an example of comprehensive care (social, psychological, health). In addition, he thanked the work of the workers of the center, as well as the collaborating non-governmental organizations, as well as the State Security Forces, which ensure the security of our borders and a regular, safe and orderly immigration. .

The minister concluded her day in Ceuta with a meeting with the social partners, a meeting in which she took the opportunity to transfer the work developed in the social dialogue tables during the last legislature to the trade union and business organizations.

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