Against the occupations of the houses and in favor of a toughening of the Law. Representatives of VOX, regional and provincial, as well as councilors of several localities participated yesterday in the cadrete demonstration. Next Sunday, at 12.00. and in the Plaza del Pilar, a new demonstration against housing occupations will be held in Zaragoza.

"Squatting = Crime" and "Property + Protected by Law" were the two messages on the banner at the Cadrete demonstration. The demonstration was held yesterday, August 26, against the new occupations in this town.

The concentration and subsequent march to the entrance of one of the occupied houses, to claim their eviction, was organized by the Cadrete City Council. There was representation of almost all the political groups of the locality, except the PSOE. A large representation of VOX Zaragoza also participated in support of this right.

At the head of the peaceful demonstration were the Deputy and now Speaker of the VOX group for the Cortes, Santiago Morón. The also Deputy Speaker, this time for the Provincial Council of Zaragoza, Carlos Rodrigo, and the Deputy Mayor of Cadrete, Jesús García, along with other members of the Cadretino consistory.

At the entrance to the occupied house a manifesto against the occupation was read. And in favor of changing the Law that governs until now. For this action to be recorded as a crime, thus hardening its penalty.

The occupation is one of the new scourges that are spreading in Spain and against which VOX is going to fight with all its legal and political energy. In a short time, cases of illegal entry into homes have multiplied exponentially. Not so much in big cities as now in small towns and villages, in the heat of the mafias.

VOX Zaragoza demands a change in the current Law, with greater protection for the citizen. And a tightening of the sanctions against the occupiers. Hence the support for the Cadrete demonstration, as one of the first actions in favor of property freedom and against this crime in Spain.

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