Agriculture, Fishing and Food calls for aid to improve the competitiveness of Priority Associations for 38.8 million euros

The total amount provided for in this call is 38,832,195.28 euros, distributed over two budgetary annuities: 13,832,195.28 euros in 2020 and 25,000,000.00 euros in 2021. The financing of these grants will be made by 53 % charged to European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and 47% from the national budget.

The subsidized investment projects may have a maximum duration of two annuities. Aid per project may not exceed, depending on the type of beneficiary, 60% of the eligible expenses in the case that the beneficiary is a Priority Associative Entity (EAP) and up to 40% in the case that the beneficiary is a commercial entity majority owned by an EAP, with a maximum limit per investment project of 5 million euros.

Aid applications will be submitted within 20 working days, counted from the day after the publication of the extract of the call in the BOE, extending this period as many days as the alarm status for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19 or its modifications, according to the Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14.

These grants are regulated by the Royal Decree 1010/2015, of November 6, which establishes the regulatory bases for granting aid to material or immaterial investments in transformation, marketing and development of agricultural products to improve the competitiveness of the products offered by the EAP.

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