Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo durante su intervención en la sesión de control al Gobierno.

It calls for summons, agenda, list of attendees and, where appropriate, minutes of the meetings announced in the control session by the first vice president, when "zero meetings" appear on her agenda

The spokeswoman for the Popular Parliamentary Group, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, has demanded from the Government, through a request for documents in Congress, the reports corresponding to the six meetings of the Interministerial Coordination Committee against the Coronavirus that the first vice president, Carmen Calvo , has assured that they were held during the control session to the Executive this Wednesday.

Specifically, the document registered by the Popular Group calls on the Executive “call, agenda, list of attendees and, where appropriate, minutes, of the six meetings held by the Interministerial Coordination Committee in the face of the threat to Public Health produced by the coronavirus, created by the Government on February 4, 2020, and which have been announced by the First Vice President and Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory, as president of said Committee in the control session of the Government of May 13 ”.

The spokesperson for the Popular Group has made this request for reports after confirming in the control session that "zero meetings" are on the agenda of the first vice president.

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