• Instead of sending letters, Mr. Sanchez must do three things: break in all the places where he has agreed with Mr. Torra -in the Diputación de Barcelona and in more than 38 municipalities-; apply the National Security Law to guarantee the total coordination and effectiveness of the State Security Forces and Bodies, and take care of the constitutional and democratic half of Catalonia, that half that does not engage in organizing violent raids, that does not intimidate and that It does respect the law.
  • In Catalonia we have a very serious problem of public order, but also of institutional order. Sanchez owes his position as president to a man who cuts highways, a convicted person for sedition and a fugitive from justice. And the most disturbing thing is that he has them to remain president.
  • Socialism has to make a deep reflection on its structural alliances with nationalism, which is the most reactionary and retrograde force in a society.
  • The process has failed. The 1-O coup referendum failed and the coup and useless strike that sought to pressure democracy to claudicate failed. In return, a certain rearmament of the constitutionalists in Catalonia begins to take place
  • The expression "moderate nationalism" had possibly a dose of very good will, but nationalism – which makes a part of its population a foreigner – is not peaceful and has already shown an unpleasantly violent face
  • Instead of pampering, as has been spoiled, the nationalists, we must pamper and strengthen the Democrats and the constitutionalists. We must put in place a plan of incentives, protection and visibility of constitutionalists in Catalonia so that we can live together different being free and equal.
  • Constitutionalism does not ask to remove yellow ties to put a blue, green or red bow. Ask to maintain the neutrality of public space because we can all live there. That is the superiority of the Democrats and the constitutionalists: we defend an order in which we can all live together.
  • Pujol had a plan of nationalization of Catalonia, of expulsion from the State and also of freedoms, because he only defended a part of Catalonia, the nationalist. He succeeded because he had all the power of the media, the world of culture and schools. And yet, he failed to impose that majority: this must be emphasized, and be optimistic

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