Headlines of the interview

· Ana Beltrán appreciates that the focus is being placed on Navarra "because of the serious and worrisome situation we are experiencing". "We can not lose it. Navarra is a key player in the unity of Spain ", he emphasizes.

· Remember that the PSOE in Navarra has been opposition, as UPN and the PP, and "the three of us have been starting a piñón" against the nationalist government that "has wanted to impose a language that is not official, that has imposed the flag of another community, and that has wanted to indoctrinate our children with the idea that Navarre is Basque Country "

· Regrets that PSOE "that in everything nuclear" has been against nationalism, today "for personalistic desire, by obligation to the PNV and even with Otegi", consider that Navarre "can be a bargaining chip". "We can not, nor will we consent," he warns.

· "Spanish citizens are not going to forgive us if we do not put the three parties in agreement in those places where we can form a center-right government," adding that, from the PP, "that's why we're going to work"

· Affirms that "any negotiation, agreement or agreement has to be united on the one hand at the discretion, also to generosity and, of course, to a basis of agreement"

· Explains that both PP, as Cs and VOX have been presented to the elections "with an equal message in the nuclear" in regard to the defense of the unity of Spain and the Constitution, in fiscal policy, asking for the reduction of taxes or advocating the freedom of parents to choose their children's school. "These are very important things that can make a perfect government program base," insists

· "Far from tacticisms, we have to think about reaching agreements and Cs will have to open a little hand to this animosity that has taken right now with VOX, because in Andalusia has achieved a successful formula that is giving great results in government"

· He points out that in all the agreements "he will not win one". "We have to give in and be generous, but we have to reach sensible and reasonable agreements in accordance with what the citizens elected us in the elections: the first the PP, then Cs and then VOX", stresses

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