Headlines of your interview:

  • The Deputy Secretary of Organization says that Pedro Sánchez "is selling Spain to those who want to end it and all for their personal and selfish interests."
  • "From the PP we see with great concern the support of ERC to the possible government of Sánchez because it means that they have claudicated and are kneeling before the independentist interests," Beltrán asserts, while criticizing "the obscurantism of Sánchez at the time of presenting its measures and when it comes to outwitting the Spanish of information ”.
  • He affirms that “the PP will be very vigilant” and sends a message of hope “because we are going to make an implacable opposition and we are not going to stop denouncing the excesses that Sanchez intends to make by agreeing with independentistas, communists and heirs of ETA”.
  • "Bildu is going to abstain to support that investiture and Bildu does nothing without anything in return," he notes.
  • He considers the PSOE's program with United Podemos to be very "sectarian and deeply ideological." "The PSOE has assumed the ideological and economic postulates of the radical left."
  • It expresses its concern about the possible leak of the report by the State Advocacy and warns that if it is proven that there has been such a leak, we will go to Justice, as our president Pablo Casado said yesterday.
  • He emphasizes that "Sánchez uses, has used and will continue to use any instrument that is within his reach to bend wills."
  • He describes the agreement of the PSOE with the PNV as “very serious”. “As president of the PP of Navarra and defender of her we cannot consent to the betrayal and shame of our Community that this agreement includes the transfer of traffic skills, since that means that the National Police and the Civil Guard leave of our Community ”.
  • He adds that this agreement also “establishes the deficit for Navarra. That is to say, he clarifies, right now our community is ruling from Euskadi and that means that the PSOE has yielded to the historical claim of the PNV, ETA and Bildu Batasuna that Navarre is another province of Euskadi. ”
  • This text also recognizes Catalonia and the Basque Country as a nation. "Let's not forget that the PNV is an independence party, that its greatest interest is the annexation of Navarra to the Basque Country and then the independence of Spain."
  • He wonders if no socialist baron is going to say anything against what Sanchez is doing.

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