Ana Beltrán, en las Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas del Congreso de los Diputados


· He denounces how the Government through the Delegation in Navarra has allowed two concentrations to request the release of ETA prisoners.

· It requires the government to say what it has agreed with the PNV to change its position and support the extension of the state of alarm. "We fear that the historic demand of ETA and Bildu-Batasuna to bring the prisoners of the terrorist band closer to them will have been agreed with them."

· He argues that this transfer to the historical interests of the PNV and Bildu responds to a pre-established plan with the parties that supported Sánchez. "Everything goes together in the agreement that churches reached last week with Basque and Catalan independentists to liberate and bring together ETA prisoners and those convicted of sedition."

· Remember that the kale borroka has already returned to Navarra and the Basque Country, although now it goes unnoticed by the state of alarm and considers that the national pressure in Navarra and the Basque Country will increase until their demands are achieved.

· He describes as “inadmissible” that Sánchez does not explain why he allows concentrations of support for criminals and pursues those that request his resignation.

· He regrets that it has been seen clearly "how the left is capable of persecuting social movements against a government."

· He assures that "people have every right to express their criticism of a government that is taking advantage of the state of alarm for what it was not, to restrict liberties or to put Churches in the CNI."

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