La diputada del GPP en el Congreso de los Diputados, Ana Pastor

Holders of his speech:

• The GPP spokesperson in the Reconstruction Commission supports the proposal of the AseBio president to develop a Spanish Biotechnology Strategy to “have capacities now and in the post-Covid-19 stage that gives us an idea of ​​what the system is going to do. need in the coming months and establish a roadmap that gives confidence. "

• He points out that the Strategy “must be transversal and respond to the entire life cycle of innovations in the sector, from financing instruments to mechanisms for accessing society's innovations, through public-private interaction that it allows us to maximize the enormous biotechnological potential that our country has ".

• Regrets the immense number of healthcare professionals infected in Spain and shows its solidarity with all of them, for which it applauds the concession of the Princess of Asturias Award for Concord to all of them.

• He underlines that “on the AseBio website, the repeated occasions in which he addressed the Minister of Health, the Minister of Science and Innovation, the General Directorate of Public Health, etc. are detailed in chronological order. The first of those communications dates from January 31 ”.

• Given AseBio's alerts and offers to the Government, ask its president: “How would you assess the response that your various communications found in the Spanish Government? And how would you assess the fact that, after arguing that it was not feasible to carry out tests on mild or asymptomatic cases of COVID-19, because there was not enough capacity in the country to produce and interpret them, the Minister of Health announced on 25 March, in a press appearance, that Spain had closed a "great purchase" of medical equipment with China for 432 million euros, which included 5.5 million rapid tests? "

• It highlights that 11 Spanish companies specialized in biotechnology stated that production in this sector reaches 745,000 weekly PCR tests and that it could double with monthly planning, in addition to preparing 194,000 weekly extraction kits, a figure that could triple, and 690,000 antibody tests. weekly, which could turn into more than a million with a medium-term strategy.

• Values ​​the PNP of the GPP of April 30, which asked the Government for a shock plan to plan and implement the appropriate measures to meet the needs of the country.

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