• The GPP spokesperson in the Reconstruction Commission requires Abel Caballero to rectify and attend to the claims of merchants in the city of Vigo because it is the only Galician municipality that has not given aid to local small businesses and hotels, despite committing itself to this with the Federation of Commerce of Pontevedra.
• He underlines "the fundamental role that municipalities are playing during the pandemic, and the one they will have to fight to face the serious crisis that we are already suffering and promote social and economic recovery."
• He considers that “the municipalities play a fundamental role in the response to this crisis but they need funds to manage and attend to the needs of the population. For this, it is essential that they can make use of the surplus and remnants of the Treasury ”.
• He asked Caballero if "he was informed in any of his conversations with the Government of the Executive's intention to retain this surplus from the municipalities"
. • Reproaches that the president of the FEMP “has been since April ensuring that the municipalities can use 100 percent of the surplus to respond to the COVID crisis, but this has not yet occurred. The Government has only authorized 20 percent of the 2019 surplus and always under the supervision of the Executive. "
• He asked Caballero "what measures is the FEMP going to take so that the Spanish government allows the municipalities to dispose of their savings to combat the coronavirus crisis".
• “Do you share the agreement signed by your own party, the PSOE, with Bildu and Podemos to give greater spending capacity to the municipalities of Navarra and the Basque Country? Do you consider this action unfair to the municipalities? ”He asks.
• The municipalities of Spain have also asked the government for a local reconstruction fund, a municipal public transport fund, and a social rescue, so he asks what measures the FEMP is going to adopt so that the municipalities receive the funds requested from the Executive.