La diputada del GPP en el Congreso de los Diputados, Ana Zurita

Holders of his speech:

  1. The GPP Housing spokesperson reproaches Ábalos for not having implemented “immediate and effective” measures for housing and rental aid for the most
    vulnerable in the Coronavirus crisis.

  2. He accuses him of approving a Decree that demonizes private property as a currency of payment to churches for power: “His ministerial order is sloppy, ambiguous and
    contaminated with the same ideology that has led them to admit the illegal occupation of housing in Catalonia and to support Podemos in all kinds of initiatives in
    against the right to property and the free market ”.

  3. It accuses Ábalos of discriminating with its Decree against tenants according to who rents, without taking into account the vulnerability of landlords: “A tenant who lives in a property whose owner owns ten homes is in more favorable conditions than another whose landlord has a single dwelling; that's their help. "

  4. "You have promised a moratorium on rents for Spanish families when you say that 'nobody will have to worry about paying the rent,' but the reality is that today you cannot access those grants; Where are the 1,200 million guarantees for promised microcredits? ”

  5. It urges you to tackle "for the day after" an efficient restructuring of the Housing Plan, so that "it is not a kick forward for the communities, to which you have already thrown all the responsibility, and without funds, for being already committed "

  6. He stresses that the first thing is to resolve the health crisis – "nothing he has counted is useful if he does not have masks, if he does not do massive tests" -, and urges him to apply "the
    immediacy that has lacked in the management of the health crisis to the social and economic crisis that we have above, because we have already broken records in the number of unemployed ”.

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