Algeciras May 13, 2020. The municipal group VOX will present a motion to urge the government team to strengthen the measures for controlling birds and rodent pests in the city.

"There is no doubt that, due to confinement, many animal species such as pigeons and rodents, as they have not had an influx of people on the streets, have changed their exit habits and this poses a serious problem, not only for public health but also for the image of carelessness that our city offers to any visitor, "said Gallardo.

In addition, the spokesman for the Municipal Group VOX continued, the presence of rodents in the city can also scare away customers from the terraces installed, as happened today in Tebas square, where a brown rat that had approached without any kind of modesty at one of the tables where a lady was having lunch, causing panic from the neighbors who were in the aforementioned square.

On the other hand, Antonio Gallardo has highlighted the need to find solutions to alleviate the problem of overpopulation of pigeons in the city since “it is a serious problem for the residents, for the hoteliers who suffer damages in their businesses and for the deterioration of our patrimony ».

From VOX they consider that this situation is "unsustainable" for many sectors that boost the economy of our city, such as commerce, hospitality and tourism, which have repeatedly denounced this problem with pigeons, since they annoy customers and even enter into the establishments. With the aggravating factor in addition to that at the moment and due to the crisis of the COVI-19, this situation is even more delicate due to the battered economic situation of the self-employed and SMEs that do business in these economic sectors.

To conclude, Gallardo added that «you have to look for real solutions. "From VOX we demand that a quick and effective solution be found, a new plan that will put an end to this problem that affects our city, and that will undoubtedly get worse if the appropriate solution is not put in place."

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