01-14-2021 | Cs

The president of Cs asks "that the declaration of a catastrophic zone be expedited throughout the Community of Madrid so that the aid arrives as soon as possible"

“It is surprising and outrageous that Illa is more concerned that her candidacy in Catalonia does not fail before the management of the third wave does not fail. I want a Minister of Health focused on saving lives and not worried about his electoral adventure ”, has expressed the president of Ciudadanos (Cs), Inés Arrimadas, in relation to the “alarming” data that the evolution of the pandemic has shown in recent days.

Arrimadas has visited an olive grove and a wine farm in the Las Vegas area of ​​Madrid together with the vice president of the Community, Ignacio Aguado, for check the effects of the storm Filomena in the agricultural sector of Madrid and thus know first-hand the needs of the field after the storm. "We ask that the declaration of a catastrophic zone be expedited throughout the Community of Madrid so that the aid arrives as soon as possible, the Government of Spain cannot be the last to know ”. The leader of the orange formation has considered "logical that these farmers and ranchers are helped by the public administration", because "It is an essential sector that has shown commitment to this pandemic and we need to return that effort."

In addition, Arrimadas has asked the Government "to take measures" in relation to the rise in the price of electricity, remembering that Cs has presented clear and simple measures in Congress, such as lowering the VAT on electricity, "it is a lie that Brussels does not stop," he stressed in reference to the explanations that the Executive wields. Another of the Cs proposals in this regard is "to avoid double taxation, that the tax that applies to fuels is removed from the tax base," he concluded.

For his part, Ignacio Aguado, has affirmed that the situation generated in the Madrid countryside by the storm Filomena "is very worrying" and has insisted on the need to implement aid to the primary sector “immediately”. Precisely, the vice president of the Community of Madrid has highlighted that farmers and ranchers "are an essential part of the economy of the region and the country", and has called to "take care of the agricultural and livestock sector and promote the Madrid brand and the brand Spain putting in value the products of our field ”.

For this reason, the vice president has transferred to the 7,000 families from Madrid that live in the countryside "the support of the Government of the Community of Madrid and of Citizens" in the face of the problems facing the primary sector. At this point, the leader of Cs Madrid has detailed that The Madrid Executive will allocate 30 million euros from the Regional Investment Plan (PIR) to alleviate the immediate consequences of the storm. "You are not alone," he said, "we are with you and we are going to help you so that no rancher and no farmer are left behind."

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