28-01-2021 | Cs
The president of Cs and the candidate of the liberal party for the presidency of the Generalitat have presented the campaign posters emphasizing the importance of the reunion
"It is time to turn the page of the process and form a Government of change so that all Catalans win," said the president of Ciudadanos (Cs), Inés Arrimadas, during the campaign opening ceremony held at the restaurant 'Terraza Miramar Barcelona 'in which he accompanied the head of the opposition and Cs candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat, Carlos Carrizosa. Together, they have presented the campaign posters in a virtual way, emphasizing the importance of the reunion because "we want to embrace each other again between Catalans, let's think, let's talk and come from where we come from."
Arrimadas has lamented the time that has been lost in recent years due to a process that "has not left anything good" since "we have not gained anything as a society, but we have lost time, we have lost in coexistence, in opportunities, in Companies and agencies that not only have not come but have left, we have lost freedom and we have also lost a lot of money that instead of going to invest in health or education, has already gone to the 'Catalan Nasa' chiringuitos ”, he asserted.
In this sense, the leader of the Liberals has claimed that "Cs proposes a real change in Catalonia with a candidate who is the only one capable of uniting all Catalans" and has assured that "we really want that in this land we can to have a government of which we can be proud ”. For this reason, he has defended that "Citizens should concentrate the support of the constitutionalists because if the PSC can choose, it will choose ERC, as it has done on other occasions."
For his part, the Cs candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat has stated that "for all of us to win it is necessary for the separatists that divide us to stop ruling" and considers that "Catalan society yearns to embrace not only because of the pandemic but also because of the fed-up situation we have reached after this exhausting process ”.
"New air is needed to lift the carpets and put an end to plug-ins and beach bars," Carrizosa stressed, who also warned that "if the socialists come to the Government from the hand of ERC, everything will continue as usual and they will not modify nothing because they already had two tripartites that were the prelude to the process ". For this reason, he has insisted that the only way to guarantee that the PSC does not agree with ERC to govern in Catalonia is with “a Cs that is very strong” since the orange party is the only alternative “to the nationalist monothem that we have had for 40 years while constitutional parties like PSC and PPC have not defended us ”.
In addition, Arrimadas and Carrizosa have explained that, due to the sanitary circumstances, the orange party is going to do all the acts with virtual meetings and without people in person to "not endanger anyone."