04-01-2020 | Cs
The president of the Parliamentary Group of Cs (GPCs) says that 'there is no public charge or salary that deserves to be silent in the face of Sanchez's madness'
"While most Spaniards are more worried today, nationalists and populists are happier than ever," said the president and spokesperson of the parliamentary group of Citizens (GPCs) in the Congress of Deputies, Inés Arrimadas, who has lamented Sanchez "has tiptoed over the pact with ERC." "It is very disturbing what he has said but even more what he has not said, which is hiding the truth from millions of Spaniards," he added.
The spokeswoman for the GPCs stressed that "it is an unnecessary madness that Sanchez speaks more about Franco than the EREs or how to please the nationalists instead of defending the judges who are being attacked." He reiterated that there is "an alternative majority that has no priority agreement with populists and nationalists" because "we are 350 deputies and there is no need for it to depend on begging for support to the PNV, BNG or ERC or a government with Podemos". Arrimadas has reiterated the call to barons and socialist deputies because "there is no public position or salary that deserves to be silent in the face of Sanchez's madness."
"Sanchez has come out more to defend the coup plotters than those who show their faces defending democracy in our country," said Arrimadas who has criticized that they talk about prosecuting because whoever does it "is the one who breaks the laws and forces justice to act ”. It has been asked if "when they say that there is no need to prosecute, it means that they will call the judges so that they do not act when the laws are broken."
Likewise, Arrimadas has criticized that “the economic measures are the same as those included in the fake budget that represents the increase in tens of millions of expenses” and, consequently, “either it will not be fulfilled or it will not be possible to pay or is going to borrow.