Cordova. Wednesday May 13, 2020. Several members of the Provincial Executive Committee of VOX Córdoba and Asphaco They have held a meeting where they have shared the activity that is being carried out to activate the business fabric of the province, both by the different Administrations and those proposed by Vox.
From Asfaco, one of the most relevant business associations in the province of Córdoba, they have shown their concern for the situation generated by COVID-19 and how it affects the start of the activity. "Every day that passes the economic situation facing the business community is more dramatic," said Jesús Coca, president of Asfaco.
“Political decisions have a direct impact for companies and not only those related to the economic sphere. From Asfaco they have shown us their concern for family reconciliation, for example, a handicap for many families after the closing of schools ", he explained Alejandro Hernández, president of Vox Córdoba.
Streamline bureaucratic procedures
"From Asfaco they have also conveyed the need to restart administrative procedures, which are a drag on economic activity. As for the maintenance of employment, they believe it is necessary to create aid so that it is not penalized, but so that its sustainability is rewarded and supported, ”explains Hernández.
Both the president of Asfaco, Jesus Coca, as from the Vice Presidency, Miguel Ángel Tamarit and Isidro López Magdaleno have requested that since Extend and Idea support for exports, so slowed by the COVID-19 crisis, is encouraged. In addition to the request for support in public procurement and to streamline bureaucratic procedures and to digitize the Administration, as effective measures for the sector.
Both Vox and Asfaco will continue working to put these ideas in common and to be able to work on them in common in order to increase their effectiveness in the business sector of Córdoba.