La diputada del GPP en el Congreso de los Diputados, Bea Fanjul

Holders of his speech:

• The GPP spokesperson in the Gender Violence Commission, Irene Montero: "Throughout the confinement, there have been times when I have come to doubt the existence of his ministry."

• Remember the "absurdity in every way" that has been the Sexual Liberties Law promoted by the minister, which she describes as "authentic legislative, legal and orthographic 'massacre'".

• “Far from being part of the solution, far from being the 'social shield' that you proclaim whenever you have an opportunity, you have been part of the problem”.

• Ask “how many tests did you and your family do? Because I can tell you that there has been no equal treatment for the rest of the Spaniards, and I no longer tell you for restrooms ”.

• Denounces the "preferential treatment" to the second vice-president of the Government, "who escaped confinement when and how he wanted". "You came to end the caste, and the caste is you," he adds.

• He reproaches Montero that from March 15 to 29, there is not in the BOE “a ​​single measure referring neither to equality, nor to gender violence. When you were confined, did your entire department stand still? ”

• Explains that the contagion of the minister delayed the meeting of the Sectoral Conference on Equality and asks "how is it possible that he did have time to appear in interviews in different media and did not take it out to hold the meeting electronically".

• It details that the Ministry of Equality has only approved a decree and awarded five contracts throughout the health crisis. "Work, work, has not worked, but to tweet and pay tribute in the media, it has had time."

• “You are at the head of a Secretary of State that Sánchez raised of grade to please Iglesias and his party”.

• He points out that Equality work is a vital job, "but not a vital Ministry in a time of crisis", so he asks Montero to "propose an ERTE to his government tomorrow morning and volunteer as first volunteer to cause low".

• He remembers Joaquín and Alberto, the workers buried in Zaldívar, and hopes “that they do not have to spend another 102 days for us to find them and return them to their families”.

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