He criticizes that Spain is the country in Europe with the highest number of infections, and assures that "the health and economic crisis exposes a weak government and incapable of responding to the problems of the people"
He assures that Iglesias is "cornered" by the scandals with the irregularities in his accounting discovered by the Court of Accounts or the Dina case, he asks him to "stop permanently attacking the institutions" and to appear in Congress to give explanations
He points out that "Sánchez is unable to control that chicken coop that he has as Council of Ministers" in the face of attacks on the parliamentary monarchy, by members of the Executive "How can a president who cannot control his ministers be able to lead a country?" he wonders
He considers that "Spain has a president who intends to survive on the back of lies." "We are not and we do not want to be like him" and defends that "politics is a noble activity and we have to defend it from those who discredit it"
He asks the Executive to "act now" in the face of the proliferation of illegal home occupations, although he considers that "it is difficult" having Iglesias in the Government, "who only defends private property when it is his own"
It indicates that the PP has presented in Congress a Proposal of Law to be able to evict the illegally occupied house within a maximum period of 48 hours and reinforce the crime of usurpation. "Private property is a sacred right and protected in the Constitution," he asserts.