• The GPP deputy warns that Tezanos' mandate as head of the CIS “is turning the CIS into yet another instrument at the service of the government's strategy and propaganda” • Stresses that until Tezanos's arrival to the Presidency, “at CIS was known for its accredited prestige, for its magnificent professionals and for its scientific rigor. Now he is known by his last name ”
• To Tezanos: “I don't know if you are aware of the damage you are doing to the CIS, but you cannot continue like this. If we want the CIS to recover its credit and prestige, you cannot continue to lead it. That would be the best service I could do to that institute and its professionals. "
• “You will tell me that this is a subjective opinion, that it is a political opinion, and I admit that it is. We are all political representatives. We all do politics, but the one who can't keep using the CIS to do politics is you. That is the difference ”, emphasizes Bermúdez de Castro
• "Go ahead that we do not question his academic competence, nor do we reproach him for his socialist ideas, we reproach him for his partisanship and his lack of neutrality and impartiality in the exercise of his office," he warns.
• Remember that in order for Tezanos to go to Congress today, the GPP had to resort to an extraordinary regulatory procedure to compel this appearance to take place after the barometer scandal in April
• "Today he is here, but using a new ploy, by making this appearance coincide with the publication of a new barometer, also controversial that maintains the same trend line as the previous ones", he assures
• “'Ridiculous, Manipulation, Trickery, Shame, Lie, Trap, Discredit or Farce' are just some headlines with which the media have described the results of their work and their surveys at the head of the CIS,” he recalls • “ Today nobody believes the CIS surveys and that for which the reference Sociological Institute in Spain should be is a failure, a failure whose sole responsibility is you, and also who has appointed you and keeps you in office "
• He warns that even Tezanos' hiring procedures "are under suspicion today", and urges him to explain in parliament "why he hires friendly companies by finger"
• Remember that his performance has always been accompanied by controversy, "with the same mistakes, with the same biases, with the same victims"
• “His mission at the CIS seems clearer every day: to favor and give oxygen to the Government, even if that means cooking the surveys with a socialist coloring, like today, which grants the PSOE 11 points compared to the PP, when the average of the published surveys in recent days it reduces that distance to just 2 or 2.5 points and even several already speak of a technical draw. A tease for the Spanish ", he says
• He points out that the scandalous April barometer is an unfortunate finishing touch to Tezanos's passage through the CIS, “with a biased questionnaire, with biased questions that seek to predetermine an answer to the liking of the Government, what is called an on-demand questionnaire with an answer incorporated ”
• He warns that in the barometer published today "he only asks about what favors the government. Why don't they ask the Spanish, for example, if they think if the government acted on time or was late in this pandemic, or if they consider it negligent not give protective equipment to health professionals? Or that cannot be asked when doing a survey on the covid? ”