Given the current migratory emergency that Europe is suffering, specifically, the invasion of illegal immigrants that Mediterranean countries are receiving, the work of border security agencies is being more intense and necessary than ever. Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, has been present at the LIBE Commission in the European Parliament to explain the situation that is being experienced at the borders and the work carried out by its agents in the face of the arrival of illegals in Europe .

Jorge Buxadé MEP wanted to recognize the tireless work of the border agents of the agencies and asked the institutions not to judge the measures taken in the face of an alarming crisis: “We do not have to forget the most important thing, and that is the conditions in which border agents work and not judging how professionalism is done here in a politically interested way, ”the VOX MEP stressed.

Along the same lines, Buxadé has demanded reinforcements to improve the conditions in which the agencies that protect our borders work: “Frontex agents work hard and in difficult working conditions. We have to reinforce the work of the security agencies in the member states and those that depend directly on the Union institutions "

The cases of refoulement that have been documented in the Aegean Sea have been the protagonists of criticism between the different political groups before the Commission, so the VOX head of delegation in Europe wanted to remind the Director of Frontex that VOX is on the side of the law: "Frontex is protecting the borders of Europe in a heroic way against a genuine invasion sponsored by Turkey that is part of a blackmail and that is receiving European funds" has concluded.

The arrival of almost 20,000 illegals so far this year to the Canary Islands is a matter that is filling international front pages due to the passivity of the Sánchez Government, and the numbers are very alarming. During this commission, Buxadé has been interested in the measures that the Government of Spain is taking. Thus, he has asked the European Parliament if there is an action plan to stop the arrival of illegal immigrants to national territory, or at least the intention of preparing an action plan.

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