The Deputy Spokesperson of the GPP and General Secretary of the PP of Madrid, Ana Camins, held a meeting today with the Association of Service Companies for the Unit (AESTE), and after her she assured that "some want to take advantage of the pandemic to impose their social services management model ”.
The Popular Group in the Madrid Assembly has held a meeting with the main managers of the Association of Service Companies for the Unit (AESTE). Jesús Cubero, Secretary General of AESTE and Natalia Roldán, Vice President of AESTE, attended the meeting. On the part of the popular, the spokesperson for Social Policies, Lola Navarro; José Virgilio Menéndez, spokesperson for Disability, Esther Platero, spokesperson for the Youth Commission and deputy Almudena Negro, deputy spokesperson for Women.
Camins has pointed out the importance of the digital transition in the field of social policies, in order to reduce the bureaucratic burden so that it is not a problem for the elderly, as well as the agreement of a great Pact for the Unit, in the framework of the Social Recovery Table of the Madrid Assembly, which allows to successfully face the post-Covid stage.
Camins has denounced, in reference to Podemos' plans to nationalize nursing homes, that "some want to take advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic to impose their social services management model." The nationalization of nursing homes would have a minimum cost for the taxpayer of 10,000 million euros, and would not serve to face the restructuring that the sector needs.
Popular Parliamentary Group Madrid Assembly
Something in which Jesús Cubero has agreed, who has pointed out that it has cost them to enter the reconstruction table of the Congress of Deputies. “Administrations have to make informed decisions, knowing the costs, the professionals required, what we do. We have to sit down to work. ”
For AESTE vice-president, Natalia Roldán, who has emphasized the need to study chronicity in residences, the priority is to know the plans of the Community of Madrid in the event of an outbreak in the fall. Roldán has stressed the need for social recognition of the employees of the residences, in order to achieve a quality salary for them. "The formulas for contracting with the Administration are fundamental, because if the economic prevails, it will be detrimental to the quality of the services," he said.
For the popular group, the spokesperson for Social Policies, Lola Navarro, pointed out that residences "are not hospitals." These are establishments designed for coexistence, where dependent people or large dependents live. "People with many needs, with multiple pathologies and increasing life expectancy, which necessitates a review of residence contracts for the incorporation of new services," he noted.
For this reason, when the emergency situation passes, the people propose to open a debate on the integration of social and health services. And the proposal "of the entities that are dedicated to geriatrics bet because they should go to the National Health System", with the close collaboration of the Social Services.