Campo claims legal operators to guarantee the right to understand

This work was already promoted in 2011 during his time as Secretary of State and whose conclusions had hardly any development after the change of Government.

"The modernization of Justice requires an adaptation of the legal language to break the walls that separate it from citizenship," said Campo, who thanked the diagnostic work already done by experts and now serves to avoid having to start from scratch , to be able to get to the point of the obstacles that prevent establishing "a direct connection and a fluid dialogue" with the citizens.

Precisely, to that Justice-Citizenship binomial, the minister has referred in his speech to argue that "effective justice is equivalent to a citizenship that has become the protagonist and center of economic and social activity; and a strong citizenship necessarily generates one justice every becoming more efficient. "

"Today democracy demands transparency and clarity, as well as understandable arguments and, therefore, likely to be criticized," he warned, while sharing that it has already been overcome a relationship of the citizen with the State in which the condition of subject, conception that has placed in "possible cause of the obscurity of legal language".

Determined that language does not become a limit, Campo has claimed during the course of his lecture "communication as a public good" and in that sense, argues that "it must be available to all, be universal and accessible". "We cannot consent to the communication causing an increase in the inequality gap, we cannot require a citizen to comply with a law that he does not understand," he said.

Judge with 30 years of judicial career, Campo understands that "the clarity of the oral and written expression of legal professionals increases legal certainty, allows people to know their rights and obligations, know how and to whom to enforce them and increases the trust and participation in institutions ".

Before a full auditorium of jurists, Campo has called for an effort because "the great competence that is required is that we be able to change registration according to the receiver" and from that point of view, has appealed to promote "that double component of empathy and respect in relation to the citizen, who is the real protagonist ".

Regarding the right to understand, Campo has reiterated what he already expressed in his appearance at parliamentary headquarters, about the requirement of the Citizens' Rights Charter to Justice 2002 recognizing that "many of the rights recognized there are, today, mere aspirations." "That happens with the right to understand, so far it only appears expressed in a Law; we have to change that," he has settled.

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