The Spain Journal

Carcedo: "Our generation's response to the climate challenge will be judged by history"

The minister added that "our generation's response to the climate challenge will be judged by history."

Carcedo recalled that "with an approach that advocates to include health in all policies, the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare will present in the coming months a National Health and Environment Plan prepared with other ministries, regional governments and the best experts. " The minister has advanced that a first phase of piloting said Plan will be underway in the first quarter of next year and will contemplate different levels of risk and performance.

The Plan will describe the main environmental factors that influence human health and will establish the objectives and lines of intervention in relation to the health impact of air quality, habitat and water. In addition, it will cover the management of products and chemical risks, endocrine disruptors, biomonitoring, environmental radioactivity, electromagnetic fields and ionizing radiation, UV radiation or noise, among other aspects.

The event, developed within the framework of COP25, also intervened, among other personalities, the director of the Environment, Climate Change and Health of the WHO, María Neira and through video, Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor of California.

Iván Vejar, head of the COP25 presidency, Elena Manaenkova, deputy general secretary of the World Meteorological Organization Responsible for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), Omnia El Omrani, liaison officer of the International Federation of Medical Student Associations (IFMSA) for Public Health and Climate Change Defense issues of the United Nations and David Imbago, youth representative of the Association for the circumscription of adolescents and young people of the Association for Maternal, Newborn Health and del Niño (PMNCH) has also participated in a round table framed within the same act.

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