The acting Minister of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare, María Luisa Carcedo, has highlighted the National Health System (SNS), whose universal coverage was recovered a few months ago and "protects the entire population."

In her speech, at the ceremony celebrating the XXVII anniversary of Diario Médico, the minister stressed that according to the most prestigious international classifications, the SNS "has a very broad coverage in terms of both the contingencies and needs that it covers and the great quality of your attention and result ".

The minister has gone further and explained that the SNS also incorporates access to drugs or therapies of precision or personalized. "Our country has been a pioneer in Europe in planning the use of CAR-T medications and include them in the pharmaceutical provision of the SNS so that its access is equitable for all those who need it, "he insisted.

Carcedo has recognized that the implementation of personalized medicine is a revolution in the approach to serious diseases, as well as important organizational, welfare and economic challenges.

In this regard, he explained, Spain has designed the pharmaco-clinical protocols that contain the criteria for the use of CAR-T in the SNS and the measurement of the clinical variables necessary to determine health outcomes.

The minister also highlighted the creation of the network of centers for the use of CAR-T drugs, whose designation obeys to technical criteria of excellence, experience and safety for the patient.

Regarding the sustainability of the system, Carcedo stressed that Spain is one of the first OECD countries to establish a model of financing by results. "We will pay depending on the success of the therapy," he stressed, while thanking "the joint work with the pharmaceutical industry."

The minister said that "the development and implementation of CAR-T drugs is an example of cohesion and joint care planning based on the needs of the health system." As he insisted, the introduction of this type of therapy recalls the importance of having public and universal health systems: "Very few individuals on the planet could pay for these treatments out of their own pocket".

"The collective effort of all citizens who pay taxes, the generosity and industriousness of professionals and the good management of public administrations make it possible to guarantee universality in access to health in order to prevent socio-economic status from conditioning the services we have access and ultimately our health, "said Carcedo.

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