The Minister of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare acting, María Luisa Carcedo, stressed that the National Health System (NHS) "is one of the best valued by the public."

"If we look at what citizens think about health, the SNS obtains the best results ", the Minister has moved during the opening of the XXXIX Conference of the Health Economics Association held in Albacete under the title" Transparency is healthy ".

The minister explained that, according to some international surveys, Spaniards are the ones who most trust that the health system of their country will provide them with the best treatment. In addition, Spain is the country where most citizens (65%) believe that the system works well and that only minor changes are needed (Health Policy Survey of the Commonwealth Fund International).

During her speech, María Luisa Carcedo pointed out that in 2018 the Spaniards qualified the whole of the National Health System with a 6.6 and some services in particular exceeded this rating reaching a score of 7.3. "This was the case of Primary Care," he pointed out.

Carcedo explained that Spain today registers one of the highest life expectancies in the EU, "especially in the case of women" and the forecast is that it will be the largest in the world by 2040.

Likewise, the data reveal that our country is the world leader in per capita transplants and registers one of the lowest infant mortalities in the EU and in the world. "One of the best quality indicators of the systems", the minister pointed out.

"The huge investment we make in health and its vital impact make it a public policy that is key to accountability," said the minister and has cited three reasons why "politicians must demonstrate that it is used effectively and efficient "of the resources destined to health.

The first, because the population considers health as the main area of ​​public intervention according to the CIS surveys.

Secondly, because in developed countries health is one of the main areas of expenditure, investment (9% of GDP in Spain, 11.5% in France or 11.1% in Germany).

And third, "because health has a strong impact on people's lives".

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