The minister stressed that she intends to create a public conscience in front of all types of violence towards children and adolescents. "We all have a role to play to ensure that all girls and boys fully enjoy their childhood," he insisted.
Carcedo has explained that violence against children and adolescents is manifested with varied behaviors and attitudes: physical violence, psychological or emotional abuse, humiliation, abandonment, exploitation or negligent treatment. "Whatever its manifestation, everything is violence and can have serious consequences in adulthood," he said.
"The experiences of violence that occurred during childhood and adolescence have an impact that goes beyond the visible and immediate because it is in these stages when children are building their personality," he insisted.
In 2018, about 38,000 minors were victims of violence. Almost half of the victims of crimes against sexual freedom, 47.6%, are minors and many of these cases occur in the family or trust of the child.
According to childhood organizations, half of the reports of suspected abuse occur in the family and four out of ten children perceive school as an unsafe place.
"These data are only the tip of the iceberg because they do not count those crimes that are not reported, cases of child abuse that do not reach the courts or public administrations," said the minister.
In this regard, he highlighted a fact: "It is estimated that only one in five crimes committed against minors are reported." As he explained, "they are cases that are not computed because they are not known. But they are cases that exist and are the reality of many girls, boys and adolescents."
Carcedo has explained that many children do not know how to report. "Others believe that what happens to them also happens to others and they are not even aware of being attacked," he added. For all this, the minister has insisted that "it is a problem that has to stop being hidden."
On December 28, the Council of Ministers approved the Proposed Draft Organic Law for the Comprehensive Protection of Children and Adolescents, whose main objective is to turn children into a collective good that deserves special protection.
The minister has shown her commitment to solving the problem. "As a society, as public administrations, we must be able to guarantee the fundamental right of Children and adolescents to physical, mental and moral integrity against any form of violence. We want that right to be guaranteed in all areas in which childhood and adolescence are developed, but especially in the family, educational, sports, social, health, judicial and institutional fields. " He has also appealed to the media to help spread and promote the guarantee of these rights.
On November 20, the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is celebrated. This international treaty marks a turning point in recognizing children and adolescents for the first time as subjects of right and in article 19 establishes the right to protection against any form of violence.
The Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare responds with this campaign to sensitize the demand of international organizations, such as the United Nations and the Council of Europe, the Third Sector and experts in the material.
The campaign spot is broadcast on regional and state television stations from November 14 to 24. It will also be disseminated through the Internet and the social networks of the Ministry.