30-09-2020 | Cs

The head of the opposition announces that Cs will request in the next plenary session that its law be debated to suppress the privileges of the former presidents of the Generalitat

"We are not for the institutional blockade, we are to activate the machinery so that the Catalans take the floor." This was said by the head of the opposition and president of the Citizens (Cs) group in the Parliament of Catalonia, Carlos Carrizosa, in the plenary session of Quim Torra's consolation. Carrizosa has asked "as soon as possible elections" where he hopes that "a unitary, moderate and sensible government will emerge" because "in recent years we have not had it in Catalonia." "We do not believe that Torra's successor, who in turn succeeded Carles Puigdemont and Artur Mas, can lead Catalonia on the path of reconstruction," he lamented.

The head of the opposition has pointed out that "Torra will have to return to Parliament to explain more things" because Cs "will not stop until uncovering the black hole that separatism has created to pay for the 'procés'" and has regretted that the pro-independence parties " they believe that public money is used to pay for their parties ”. He stated that "the Catalans are not as radical" as the Government groups and recalled that during the Torra presidency "the Slovenian route was called, when it ended a war, or detainees for alleged terrorism were applauded." "You do not represent the Catalans, the Catalans do not have that hatred against Spain," he has sentenced.

Carrizosa has also announced that the orange formation will request in the next plenary session of the Parliament that its proposal of Law be included by single reading to suppress the privileges of former presidents of the Generalitat. He explained that "with only two years of legislature, which has ended badly, on top of that the Catalans have to pay a lifetime pension" to Torra and recalled that other Autonomous Communities such as Madrid, Andalusia, Extremadura or the Balearic Islands do not grant these privileges to their former presidents. "Catalonia maintains an undue privilege", he pointed out and explained that "we want the Catalans to save that money and go to the fight against Covid-19".

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