He questions Sánchez why now, without modifying the legislation and protected by an administrative resolution, mobility can be limited and not in May. "Because they feel like it", responds the president of the PP
– He assures that the PP will exercise, as always, a firm and responsible opposition, complying with the law because now "the important thing is the Spanish." "Health is above all," he asserts
– "We cannot ask for pears from the elm," says Casado in reference to the Government that, contrary to its newspaper library, intends to limit mobility without changing the law or imposing the republic without modifying the Constitution. "We will exercise a firm and responsible opposition work, against a sectarian and incapable government"
– He denies that the Interterritorial Health Council reached a consensus and affirms that what Minister Illa has done is "prescribe the BOE", that the PP "will comply" because it is a responsible party. "We comply with the law, even if it is a la carte against the PP, it is late and unfair and they do not even know what they are approving," he adds.
– “We will do our job. The minimum is that they fulfill theirs ", asserts the president of the PP, who demands the Executive to" take the bull by the horns "after having reacted" late and badly "in the management of the pandemic
– He accuses the Government of adopting "discretionary" measures that harm the PP and accuses him of entering "like an elephant in a china shop" and without scientific basis, referring to the absence of a committee of experts
– He reproaches the Executive for having abandoned the Spanish during these six months and not having sought legislation as requested by his party with "an intermediate point between the alarm and the current discretion"
– “What is going to be asked of a government that is bringing ETA members closer to negotiate the PGE, pardoning some prisoners who have given a blow to legality and who do not have the courage and decency to defend the King against the attacks that are suffering? What can be asked of him if he is not capable of defending the Constitution that he promised to keep and keep ”, he asks
– Given the forecasts of the IMF, which warns that the Spanish GDP will fall close to 13%, calls for an economic shock plan because "if we fall behind the stimulus measures of the ECB and the EU will not be enough"
– He demands that Sánchez stop his government insulting ranchers and farmers, following the accusations of Minister Yolanda Díaz about the promotion of slavery in the countryside
– He reiterates the commitment of the Popular Party, with the agricultural sector, with whom he has met every two months, and thanks the entire agri-food chain for having given "the chest" during the pandemic
– He asks that the sector not take away what it already had, in relation to the negotiation of the CAP and recalls that the PP governments achieved more than 47,500 million euros in "hard negotiations", obtaining for Spain 238 million more
– Calls on Minister Planas to clarify what they call "the full stop of the negotiation of the multiannual financial framework" and demands that the more than 47,000 million euros that the Spanish countryside is asking for come
1. Review the tariff policy that affects Spanish products
2. Maintain the CAP, demanding what the sector demands
3. Establish a National Strategic Plan for the transformation of the sector
4. Make the Multiannual Financial Framework and the New Generation for Europe Recovery and Resilience Fund compatible, which was launched by the PP
5. Claim the farmer, linked to his land and production
6. Support the greater incorporation of women into the sector
7. Encourage the young woman to continue with the farms and businesses of her previous generations
8. Support cooperativism
9. Bet on training linked to the sector
10. Promote research, innovation and development
11. Promote profitability linked to agricultural income and agricultural insurance
12. Improve the functioning of the food supply chain, especially the demand for fair prices
13. Promote the digitization of rural areas
14. Improve consumer information: labeling, elimination of bureaucracies and barriers in distribution
15. Respect sustainability and the environment
16. Apply the Green Deal and all associated strategies
17. Know previously the social, economic and environmental impact assessments
18. Promote a hydraulic policy, in which the transferring basins and those that need water have the best infrastructures
19. Encourage internationalization, improving exports and common criteria in the markets, with special emphasis on the Brexit negotiations
20. Strengthen external border control in the agri-food sector