el presidente, Pablo Casado, en su intervención en la Sesión de Control al Gobierno

  • “It demands unconditional adherence, but it rejects my outstretched hand. Throw the stone but hide your hand, ”he transfers to Sánchez, whom he remembers the insults of the socialist spokesperson despite the PP's favorable vote to three extensions of the state of alarm and the attacks by Montero“ using the Moncloa ”after the announcement of support. from the PP to the decrees
  • Remember that the PP has offered the Government a Cajal state pact for Health, a social agreement in the Senate, an office for victims of COVID, an economic activation plan and another legal plan against possible outbreaks and that it has voted in favor of vital minimum income
  • "I have announced that we can vote in favor of the normality decree, despite the fact that it is clearly insufficient," says Casado, who announces that the PP has registered measures to complement the text before the commission for reconstruction.
  • “It wouldn't hurt to hear more from a party that has successfully managed two epidemics and two recessions. Start ruling for all Spaniards at once ”
  • He reproaches the Executive that, after a hundred days with exceptional powers, he has not achieved a "new normal, but a harsh reality" and warns him that "we are missing more than 40,000 compatriots", despite the fact that the Government "does not recognize all ”
  • Regrets that, due to the appearance of outbreaks, the Government does not take measures to prevent the entry of those infected by Spanish airports and that it threatens to return to a state of alarm, instead of applying current legislation as Germany did yesterday
  • It highlights that the IMF and the OECD have warned that Spain is the economy that is going to suffer the most from the debacle, and that Eurostat points out that unemployment in our country has been 10 times higher than the European average.
  • Criticizes that the Government ends the liquidity plan for self-employed and companies despite the closure of large companies such as Pullmantur, Nissan or Alcoa and that it refuses to extend the ERTE until the end of the year, putting at risk two million jobs
  • He points out that the European recovery plan is a proposal of the PP, headed by the president of the Commission. "You only ask for stability and responsibility for future generations, does that seem unpatriotic to you?"
  • “For their vice-president, even the socialist governments of Finland, Sweden and Denmark are far-right. Like Felipe González … ", ironic
  • He underlines that the PP has exercised a "responsible opposition", supporting the PSOE in Brussels, as he did with Solbes, Borrell and Almunia, against a PSOE that vetoed Arias Cañete or Guindos

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