El presidente del Partido Popular, Pablo Casado, en la Sesión de Control al Gobierno

• “Now you will have to choose between complying with Europe or with its partners. Between the labor reform or electoral Friday ”, sentence

• Announces the support of the PP to the opinion of the reconstruction commission, in European and health matters, so that this summer the Cajal State pact is reached

• He warns that the PP will oppose the cut of 10% of the CAP with 600 million euros less per year. "The Spanish countryside should not be the pagan of this negotiation", he stresses

• Explain that the agreement is "good for Spain". "It is an amendment to the entirety of his investiture agreement with Podemos and his pacts with nationalists and Bildu," he stresses.

• Regrets Sánchez's role in the negotiation while three colleagues from the Popular Party -Merkel and Von Der Leyen in Brussels, and Lagarde from Frankfurt- defended the interests of Spain

• Ensures that the Spanish are not for "self-bombing ceremonies" and recalls that a month ago Sánchez boasted that he would get a billion and a half euros "without conditions" and has returned under "a full-blown rescue program with the third party of amount "

• Stresses that the PP has been asking for weeks that Sánchez apply the laws in force to coordinate "an effective response" to outbreaks without threatening another state of alarm; and a national reform plan with lower fiscal, labor and bureaucratic costs, to recover employment and social welfare

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