Reunión con consejeros de Agricultura del PP

The National President of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado, today chaired a meeting with PP Agriculture advisers at the national headquarters of the party, prior to the Agriculture sector meeting convened by Minister Planas in the Ministry.

During the meeting, which was also attended by the Deputy Secretary of Territorial, Antonio González Terol, and the Deputy Secretary of Sectorial, Elvira Rodríguez, analyzed the issues that the PP will raise to the minister "now diluted" who has lost part of his powers in detriment of Vice President Teresa Ribera. The Popular Party will require the Government to fight for Spanish farmers and ranchers in the EU and follow the example of Loyola de Palacio, Miguel Arias Cañete and Isabel García Tejerina.

Before the announcements of the Ministry, the PP wants to know what modifications are raised in the Law of Food Chain and in what term. It will also require a review of the tax regime to reduce labor and fiscal costs that affect the Spanish countryside.

The PP is concerned about the negotiation of the CAP by a Ministry that has no political weight, but will demand from its minister “initiatives inside and outside Spain” in the defense of the interests of farmers.

The Government has turned its back on the Spanish countryside and the PP will ask the Executive how it will defend the tariff policy after weakening the relationship with the US and questioning the application of European legislation allowing Maduro's number two to land in Barajas and be received by Minister Ábalos.

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