El presidente del Partido Popular, Pablo Casado, en su intervención ante la Junta Directiva Nacional

Censorship that Sánchez wants the PP to "surrender and say yes to everything" without knowing the content of the PGE

  • He affirms that that "would be to eliminate the opposition and not have control over what Sánchez wants to do with the accounts"
  • He asks Sánchez for "humility and democracy" and not to hide behind the pandemic to ask for a blank check from the PP
  • He describes as "unusual" that the President of the Government leaks private conversations and urges him to publish the messages they exchanged about the renewal of the CGPJ
  • Rejects an anti-system party whose leader attacks the institutions to decide on them
  • Remember that it was the PP who asked the Senate to return to the system by which the judges elected the members of the Judicial Power that ruled before the PSOE modified it in 1984
  • He wonders why Podemos has not had a role in the merger of Bankia and Caixabank and in the PGE and it does have to do so to renew the CGPJ and be able to appoint two members
  • He emphasizes that the PP will negotiate the renewal of the institutions on the commitments to strengthen and depoliticize them
  • "The PP has not changed its position, the Government has, which does not prevent Podemos' attack on the institutions, and which did not count on the main opposition party to renew other organizations"
  • He reproaches Sánchez for having only contacted him in seven months to address this matter and not for others such as going back to school, lowering taxes or a health pact
  • He criticizes that the Government "has gone backlog" in the return to the classrooms and recalls that in a pandemic situation the ultimate competence corresponds to the Ministry of Health
  • "The Government has played truant by diverting responsibility to the communities," he criticizes
  • He describes the merger of Bankia and Caixabank as positive and asks that business criteria prevail and that taxpayers obtain the maximum return on the public money that was injected into the old Caja Madrid
  • Reminds the socialist spokesperson that three current ministers were advisers to the governments of Chaves and Griñán, convicted of "the largest case of robbery of the public coffers in Europe"
  • It reaffirms its commitment to exemplarity and emphasizes that the presumption of innocence must be respected

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