He criticizes that the unemployment figures for June are "the worst in the last decade, without nuances" and regrets that "you have to go back to 2008 to see such lousy data"
He claims not to understand that Sánchez appeals to another agreement with the social agents to fight unemployment and stresses that the PP has been asking for measures to be applied in line with other European countries for three months, such as reducing taxes, extending the Ertes beyond December in the sectors more affected by the crisis and reduce labor costs.
He praises that in Galicia Social Security affiliates have tripled and that it has been the region where unemployment has fallen the most.
He denounces that Sánchez has not presented the aid to the automotive sector to the Council of Ministers and demands that "they arrive now."
It requires the government to "stop lurching" with a sector that represents 10% of GDP in all of Spain and 13% in Galicia and that is "an exporter, fixes population and creates highly-qualified employment."
He describes as "terrible" the figures that indicate a 30 percent collapse in the last month of vehicle registrations and sales published today.
It asks the Government that the opening of tourism be done in security conditions "which is what we do not see in the airports that are operating."
He assures that Núñez Feijóo is a reference in management and his electoral program is an example of concern for the real problems of citizens.
He affirms that on July 12 "a Galicia with a healthy economy or a bipartite 3.0 multiplied by five is voted to return figures of economic destruction".
"Feijoo is the only alternative for stability so that the economic and social crisis that the pandemic has generated is not a political crisis," he says.