The president of the PP believes that "it is the worst time to confiscate the savings of the municipalities and try to hammer in some accounts that were bad and that have been aggravated by the pandemic"
It demands that the president of the FEMP, Abel Caballero, and the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, assume responsibility for their "lack of dialogue, inability and arrogance"
After the "historic defeat" of the Government in Congress, he considers it essential to provide the municipalities and autonomous communities with the means to do their job and that their savings go to those most in need
Demand that the Council of Ministers authorize that municipal savings can be spent on the most urgent needs of residents
Criticizes that the Royal Decree, lying in Congress in a "historic defeat", intended to confiscate some savings that the consistories use for "what matters most, such as health protection and social care"
He regrets that in Spain three times more jobs have been destroyed than the European average, so we are the country that has suffered the worst consequences, and believes that the management of this Government has not been symmetrical in the health, economic and social aspects
It highlights that we are at the forefront of infections and negative incidence of this second wave of COVID, which once again is trying to hide by the Government
It supports the initiative of the mayor of Arroyomolinos, who has invited the entire population to take a total of 12,000 COVID detection tests, and appreciates the work carried out by health workers throughout the pandemic.