Pablo Casado en los desayunos de Nueva Economía Fórum

He qualifies as "one of the most wrong appointments of the last days" of Pedro Sánchez the appointment of Dolores Delgado as Attorney General of the State, since, in his opinion, he will act as "Minister 23", and wonders "what would they say" if a PP government had proposed Alberto Ruiz Gallardón as FGE.

He criticizes that, although Sánchez already said in an interview that according to him the FGE depends on the Government, this designation means “losing forms and modesty” because Delgado “will be at the service of the interests of the party, as he has done front of the Ministry of Justice. "

"It is something that directly attacks the separation of powers," he says.

He assures that "before the announced dejudicialization of the policy, the PP will champion the depoliticization of Justice."

“The PP is the guarantee that the Government will not do what it wants, it will have control of damages in the administrations that we govern. We are the guarantee that the Spaniards will not pay the mortgages that Sánchez has signed with ERC, Bildu or Podemos ”.

It highlights "the example of true feminism" given by Isabel Díaz Ayuso yesterday in the final of the Spanish Super Cup held in Saudi Arabia.

He considers Almeida "a reference of how the PP will oppose" and points out that "there is an alternative". "We are prepared, we will be as unstoppable in the complaint as responsible in the proposal and as firm in defending the principles as moderate in the way of exposing it."

He points out that Almeida brings together "two fundamental qualities for political leadership: tireless work and tolerance and intelligence now agreeing with other political forces."

“Almeida has shown that he is the mayor of all Madrid residents, without sectarianism or revisionism. It is something that is in the DNA of the PP, overcome a policy of blocks and confrontations to recover the policy of agreement and understanding between different, ”he says.

Bet on "strengthen the Constitution and unite the center right space to recover the lost horizon of a more united and prosperous Spain."

Madrid claims as a “thriving, thriving and welcoming city” at a time when “others are closed instead of opening and excluding instead of welcoming”.

He emphasizes that the capital of Spain is a leader in tax cuts, new infrastructure development, attraction of tourism and international investment and in applying ambitious social policies ”.

It contrasts the government pact reached in Madrid between the PP and Citizens with the "succession of disloyalty of the configuration of the new government".

He says that the city and the Community of Madrid represent the “most palpable sign that there are alternatives to bad governments”.

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