He accuses Sanchez of betting on an "unequal Spain", excluding half of the country that is center right and creating "walls and fractures" that "we had already overcome."
He denounces that Sánchez is “laundering” Puigdemont and that, instead of bringing him to Spain, “let him do what he wants”, while regretting that the president of the Government has not complained to the French authorities about the Perpignan act.
It contrasts the loyalty of the PP with the Government in the management of the coronavirus, compared to what Sánchez did with Ebola, holding Rajoy responsible for that health crisis.
He complains that, in the case of the Zaldibar landfill with two missing persons, nothing has happened because the left and the nationalists have a Corsican patent and wonders what would have happened if this had happened to the PP.
He criticizes that Sanchez has offered the PNV the management of Social Security, thus breaking the single box, which will cause “first and second pensioners”.
Stresses that Sanchez intends to perpetuate himself in power by approving the PGE with those who want to break Spain and reiterates the hand extended by the PP to move forward the accounts if it breaks the dialogue table with Torra. "Nor is it too much to ask," he says.
“The problem that they leave a prison permit is because Sanchez allows it,” says Casado, referring to Junqueras and Romeva, explains that the prison administration depends on the politicians and recalls that the Prosecutor's Office could appeal the exit.
On the renewal of the judicial bodies: "How are we going to do it if Sanchez has appointed the State Attorney General and threatens a reform of the Criminal Code" to grant Junqueras the third degree? He asks.
He stressed that the threats of Vice President Iglesias to the media "should be analyzed" and that "all the red lines have been crossed."
He maintains that the "PSOE lies a lot" and that in our country "the lie has no electoral cost." "The left has a mechanism of propaganda and moral superiority."
He affirms that the PP “is a national and not a federal party”, but that “it is very close to the territory and very close to the real problems of the citizens”.
He regrets that the PP has had to resort to the Abalos case to a guard court so that the Government does not destroy the evidence, after meeting with the Vice President of Venezuela, accused of torture.
Alert that the “explosive cocktail” of the Government – increased unemployment and debt, and tax increases – can lead to another crisis.