Holders of his intervention;
- Casado reproaches Sánchez "the worst unemployment data in seven years" and states that Spain does not deserve a government that lies to them. How is it possible that 98,000 jobs are destroyed and the president does not want to debate? ”, He asks, after denouncing that the PSOE“ broke the deck ”to debate yesterday and not today that is when the unemployment data came out.
- He regrets that on a day like today, there is less employment and more precarious, the result of PSOE policy, waste, unemployment and more taxes.
- He highlights that on the last day of October, 260,000 Social Security affiliations were destroyed, which shows that we are in crisis, so he asks Sanchez to tell the Spanish the truth.
- He denounces what happened yesterday at the Princess of Girona Awards, and considers it unacceptable to have to make a security bunker to the Royal Family, so he asks Sánchez what he expects to apply the National Security Law, with Torra in front of 16,000 honors armed.
- "Bou's tears represent the outrage caused by Pedro Sánchez's lack of action in Catalonia," he says, referring to who in the debate again made it clear that he is willing to agree with Torra and Otegi, which makes him unable to preside over a country.
- "I'm Spanish and out of humility I don't want to say who I think won the debate, but who lost it: Pedro Sánchez," he says, just as he thinks he lost it because of "his thunderous silence", his inability, his gaze down, without meaning what he wants for Spain, hinting that he is willing to reach third elections.
- "Or we arrive on 11-N applying the PP package of measures already or in two or four years it will be late," he warns. "There is nothing more patriotic, no more urgent and necessary responsibility than to throw Sánchez out of the Government."
- Remember that socialism is the equitable distribution of misery, obsessed with the rich, while the PP is ending it with poverty.
- He emphasizes that the only guarantee for the Spaniards to have employment is that Sanchez lose it on November 10.
- He says that we must recover the vote that is not useful, but necessary and urgent to keep Spain together, so he asks: if all of Spain knows that only the PP can win Sanchez elections, why don't we focus and join the votes to an urgent, territorial, economic and social need?
- He assures that he will carry out a national strategy to help finance the food of diabetic or celiac people and bets on research and development in this field.
- He undertakes with Cantabria in the financing of the Valdecilla Hospital; also with High Speed and affirms, in matters of depopulation, that fishermen, farmers and ranchers are concerned with the negotiations of the socialist government in the CAP.