Holders of his speech:
· He considers it “extraordinarily serious” that the number of victims can double the official figures: “Tell us the truth,” he demands from Sánchez.
· "Thirty days after having all the exceptional competencies, command and sole responsibility, I ask you to tell us the truth, whatever it takes. According to official data, the more than 14,500 people who died from the coronavirus deserve it. ”“ Doesn't he have anything to regret? ”He asks.
· Announces that when this crisis is over, the PP will ask for the minutes of the meetings of the commission of experts to know "if there was only concealment or also negligence."
· "The guide of our political vocation is the ethics of responsibility," he stresses.
· The PP supports for the third time the extension of the state of alarm, but reminds the Executive that this restriction of rights is not unlimited. "In the first vote of the state of alarm I told him that he was not alone, in the second that this was not going well, and today I must tell him: not like that."
· “In this crisis, what does not depend on you is working better. The Spaniards have complied with everything you have asked of them, but you have not complied with them ”.
· The PP leader reproaches Sánchez for not calling him to negotiate the decrees. "We do not lose hope that one day he will seek a real pact, and not a trick to divert the news from so many bad figures."
· He criticizes Sánchez that he can hardly aspire to rewrite the Transition "who is not capable of negotiating a decree" and explains that the moral authority to ask for loyalty and unity "is null." "Still, today we will continue to support pandemic containment measures."
· He asks to declare national mourning so as not to turn into "mere statistics the tens of thousands of lives cut short and duels in solitude." "The victims deserve public visibility, and the tribute of the entire society," he adds.
· It requires Sánchez to clarify the “rectified de-escalation”, the failed purchases of material, the need to wear a mask on the street, the identity of the provider of fraudulent tests, and how he intends to improvise Noah's Ark “in the midst of the flood and violating the legality".
· He points out that this has been the “chronicle of an announced pandemic” repeatedly for 3 months by the WHO and by the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
· "For his part, less voluntarist speech and a little sensitivity, humility and sincerity would be appreciated," he transfers to the Government.
· He warns Sánchez that he will not demand responsibilities “in the midst of the storm until it subsides”, but he will say what must be done better “if only because we are supporting, without being even consulted, the most drastic measures in the democratic history of Spain".
· Praise the management of the autonomous governments of the PP, which called for urgent measures and recalls that Madrid asked to close schools, Castilla y León decree the state of alarm, Andalusia centralize the material, Galicia do massive tests and Murcia limit mobility.
· He underlines that the PP has fulfilled its support to save lives, "but it cannot do it to ruin Spain", and points out that the health crisis will leave behind a deep economic crisis that for now has already destroyed 1 million jobs and 120,000 companies, and It has forced 300,000 employers and 2.5 million workers into employment regulation.
· He explains that the problem is not the reputation of Spain but the credibility of a government that "has squandered 16 billion euros in the electoral decrees of the last two campaigns, doubling the deficit committed while growing more than 2%."
· Casado transfers to the Government his “positive proposal” as an extra payment for health professionals, gross salary for workers in essential sectors or the abolition of inheritance and donation tax for heirs of deceased by coronavirus.
· Bet on the exemption of contributions and taxes for the self-employed and SMEs paralyzed by the pandemic until one month after the state of alarm and the streamlining of the payment of benefits and the coverage of the permits paid by the State for those affected by ERTE.
· It proposes the voluntary postponement of the payment of taxes and the return to the Autonomous Communities of the 2,500 million euros of VAT owed and the 1,200 of training confiscated, as well as a reinforcement of the fund for health spending.
· It advocates guaranteeing immediate and sufficient liquidity to avoid the bankruptcy of thousands of companies, reducing fiscal, labor and bureaucratic costs, as well as an ambitious plan for flexibility and economic competitiveness.
· "Now we must get down to work, deal with the urgent and the important, and not launching balloon balloons to dilute responsibilities and mutualize the mistakes made. Social dialogue always, but complicity to make ruinous decisions for the Spanish never ”.
· "Stop hiding in the burladero of history, abandon the breastplate of propaganda, lead, once and for all, the way out of this tragedy with determination, courage and efficiency," transfers Sánchez.
· Denounces that Spain is the country in the world with the most deaths per million inhabitants due to Covid19; which registers a fifth of the world total and which is at the top in infections of health professionals.