- He thanks the EPP for the "unequivocal firmness against xenophobic independence that a minority tries to impose in Catalonia" and stresses that "any problem in a member state or European region" is that of the entire Union.
- He advocates breaking down the walls of nationalism, populism in Europe, identitarianism and protectionism, on the 30th anniversary of the “demolition” of the Berlin Wall “thanks to the principles and values that founded the EU and that came out of the EPP”.
- He describes populism as the "new enemy of the 21st century", which "campaigns on both the left and right sides" and intends to put the fundamentals of the EU at risk.
- “The EPP is the best vaccine against the populisms that are devastating the economy, the welfare state and the concord” in the member countries of the Union.
- He insists that, in addition to protecting our borders, it is necessary to undertake a new Marshall Plan in the African continent.
- “In the face of populism, you shouldn't dress up as populists. In the face of easy solutions to complex problems, the bet cannot be doubled, ”he says.
- He points out that the EPP will not accept lessons from the left in matters of the environment or when it comes to defending women's rights and opportunities, being the guarantee for the eradication of any discrimination.
- Criticize the tariff and protectionist debate and that the free market is questioned as one of the liberal foundations.
- "Far from trying to defend ourselves by putting more barriers, we have to convince the other powers that free trade is the only way to guarantee economic prosperity and the welfare state."
- He appeals to a "strong Europe that wants to remain the best political and geostrategic construction" to tell populism: "Throw those walls and open the doors to progress and freedom."