Pablo Casado asiste al Desayuno Informativo de la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso

He urges Sanchez to clarify on which side he is “whether of the independentistas to whom he owes the post or of the Spanish Justice that is still asking for the plea to judge offenders escaped for an alleged crime of sedition”

He is concerned about the statements of Vice President Iglesias speaking of judicial drift and criticizing Spanish justice for a supposed humiliation of European justice. "I think that Pablo Iglesias has to understand that he is no longer a talkative and should not speak in those terms."

He regrets that Sánchez endorses Iglesias instead of criticizing him and trusts that today the CGPJ declares that the State Attorney General proposed by Sánchez does not meet the requirements of suitability.

He explains that Spanish legislation requires an impartiality that a socialist deputy, today, does not have. "I don't understand how Pedro Sánchez talks about an impeccable appointment," he adds.

Remember that “Delgado has been disapproved three times, he has given PSOE rallies until a month ago and that he has been recorded in an environment of a police organization dedicated to the extortion of businessmen and journalists and for which he laughed after having met very serious crimes that he did not inform his colleagues ”.

"Sanchez wants to dejudicialize politics and that is to go against the rule of law and what we want is to depoliticize Justice and claim its independence."

He affirms that "there is a deep concern within the judicial career and throughout Spanish society for the institutional instrumentalization that this Government has been doing for months."

He criticizes the "threatening forms of government" and remarks that "the PP is not going to be intimidated with these issues and neither are the judges."

"Immunity is not impunity," says Casado who recalls that "Puigdemont is a fugitive from justice and that, therefore, the PP is posing an offensive in community institutions."

Casado says there is a lot of Spanish who, even having voted for the PSOE, feels "orphaned by the drift in which this party is."

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