- He asks that the “mourning be externalized” for the more than 6,000 deceased because “we are a mature society to realize the dimension of this catastrophe”.
He accuses Sánchez of being unfair to the PP, of having hidden information from his party and of changing his performance criteria 180 degrees. "We cannot be given false information because otherwise we cannot row in the same direction", sentence. "We were told that there was not going to be an economic closure," he stresses.
"The first thing is to defeat the virus and be with the Spanish, first save lives and then we will talk about the economy. But when royal decrees come unannounced, we cannot row in the same direction if there is a waterfall there. ”
"The workers have to be calm but they have to know that their company is going to keep the blind open when all this happens."
Casado to Sánchez: "We will not support these decrees, if they are not modified." "The weight of the cost of the crisis cannot fall on companies but on the State," he highlights.
He criticizes the drift of the Government to the thesis of Podemos that asks to expropriate private property, demands that Sánchez break with the radical ideological agenda of his partners and that he attend to the demand of the self-employed and SMEs. "It is the State that has to promote and articulate financial liquidity," he says.
He considers that it is "essential" that the Government tell the truth, that it explain where the material that does not arrive is, and that it transfer who is the provider of the false tests.
He believes that the Congress of Deputies must remain open because when the opposition grants the government sole command, "it would have to be held accountable in a monitoring commission."
He assures that the Executive is "overwhelmed", arriving late and without coordination with the autonomous communities and political parties.
He acknowledges that he would not have given purchase figures, nor deadlines that cannot be met, nor would he have spent 10 days with a single command without guaranteeing material for all the staff that needed it.
Considers that liquidity needs to reach the self-employed and companies effectively, that the term and beneficiaries of the tax moratorium are extended to lower taxes, exempt from paying social contributions, abolish the quota for the self-employed during the months to come and to facilitate the collection of extraordinary benefits.
Remember that "unity and loyalty must be bidirectional" and that the loyalty with which the PP is acting in this crisis cannot mean a "letter of marque" for the Executive.
“We continue with our outstretched hand. There has never been a more loyal and generous opposition to such drastic measures, to a government that has all the powers, ”he asserts.
"Right now we are not to storm the skies or to do social engineering," he says.
In reference to Europe, he tells Sánchez that “it is not good to look for enemies abroad; It is not good that the Executive blames the PP, then the CCAA and then Europe. "We cannot base everything on seeing what Europe is doing," he added.
He conveys his love and solidarity to all families "for the irreparable pain of the loss of dead relatives", and, in the same way, he conveys encouragement to all the sick who are recovering in hospitals.
It values the effort of health personnel and demands that the Government supply them with the necessary materials.
He asks Sánchez for more humility and self-criticism in his appearances "because he is asking the Spaniards for an enormous effort without acknowledging the errors of the Government."
He criticizes the false and unfair contrast that the Government raises between the public and the private and warns that "if the private bankruptcy, the public sector will pay the consequences in the medium term."